Development of Monitoring / Research Programs
Development of monitoring programs
In order to control the stability of the parameters adopted in the project that are important for the safety of the facility, and to identify negative changes in the geotechnical environment (that can affect the safety of the facility during construction, operation, reconstruction and expansion), SGP offers monitoring services to its customers.
Environmental monitoring
The main tasks when conducting environmental monitoring:
- Conducting regular observations of the state of subsurface, surface and underground water bodies, atmospheric air, snow cover, soil, vegetation cover and wildlife, radiation background;
- Timely monitoring of measures to prevent and eliminate the harmful effects of technological processes on the environment.
SGP monitors in accordance with agreed and approved programs.
Analysis of the background state of the environment:
- Software development;
- Perform analysis.
Environmental Monitoring:
- Software development;
- Run analysis:
- Geological;
- Hydrogeological;
- Subsoil, atmosphere, water bodies, soils, bioresources, radiation background;
- Hydrological;
- Hydrochemical;
- GTS Security.
Water body monitoring
(by its morphometric features and water protection zone) for the period of providing the water body for use):
- Development of regular observation programs;
- Conducting regular observations with filling out reporting forms.
The company is licensed by the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) to carry out activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields (License No. R / 2015/2750/100 / L dated 02.13.15)
SGP company offers services for the development of monitoring programs at different stages of the enterprise’s economic activity (before the start of field development, during the construction period, during the operation period).
Monitoring (regular observations) of the state of the environment in the zone of influence of the enterprise allows you to:
- Establish environmental trends;
- Timely identify and predict the development of negative processes;
- To develop and implement measures to prevent the negative consequences of these processes;
- Assess the effectiveness of ongoing activities, information management support.
Research includes a comprehensive study of natural and technological conditions on the territory of the construction site to justify pre-design and design decisions, as well as the development of effective design solutions in the field of environmental protection and improving environmental safety.
SGP carries out research, which includes a pre-project survey, scientific justification for the development, analysis of the possibility of using the data already obtained for current engineering calculations, characterization of development effectiveness, and analysis of the need for missing studies. Research is carried out by highly qualified specialists, which allows customers to be confident in the quality and timely implementation of complex technical projects.
Types of research:
- The background state of the environment;
- Hydrobiological (fishery characteristics of a water body);
- Agrochemical characteristics of soils;
- Radiation background;
- By definition of marks of the coastline of water bodies.