Industrial Safety Expertise
As a result of the industrial safety examination by Promtekhexpertiza specialists, the client company will receive a conclusion on the conformity of the examination object to the industrial safety requirements, as well as expert recommendations on eliminating identified defects and violations, raising the level of safe condition of buildings and structures, technical devices and equipment.
Promtekhekspertiza carries out an industrial safety review of the following items of expertise:
- examination of industrial safety of buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility;
- industrial safety expertise of technical devices used at a hazardous production facility;
- examination of industrial safety documentation:
- examination of design documentation for the construction and reconstruction of a hazardous production facility;
- examination documentation for the technical re-equipment of a hazardous production facility;
- examination of documentation for the conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility;
- examination of the industrial safety declaration;
- expert review of the safety of a hazardous production facility and other documents related to the operation of a hazardous production facility.
Industrial safety expertise of technical devices.
For technical devices, unless otherwise provided by the technical regulation, an industrial safety review is required in the following cases:
- prior to use at a hazardous production facility;
- upon expiration of the service life or when the number of load cycles established by the manufacturer of the technical device is exceeded;
- if there is no data in the technical documentation on the service life of the technical device, if the actual service life exceeds 20 years;
- after carrying out work related to structural changes, replacing the material of the supporting elements of the technical device,
- after restoration repair after an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility, as a result of which the technical device was damaged.
Examination of industrial safety of buildings and structures.
For buildings and structures, industrial safety expertise is mandatory in the following cases:
- Rostekhnadzor regulations on conducting an industrial safety review;
- upon the expiration of the standard service life of a building or structure;
- after the reconstruction, reconstruction or expansion of a building or structure.
- after an accident at a hazardous production facility or after exposure to fire, flooding and other destructive factors on buildings and structures of a hazardous production facility.
Examination of industrial safety documentation.
An examination of the industrial safety of documentation includes verification of the completeness and reliability of the information specified in the documents and verification of compliance of the design with industrial safety requirements.
So, the examination of the industrial safety declaration includes:
the validity of the risk assessment of the accident and the associated threat;
assessment of the sufficiency and effectiveness of the measures indicated in the declaration:
- accident prevention,
- to reduce damage and the scale of the consequences of the accident;
- to ensure readiness for operation of a hazardous production facility and readiness for localization and liquidation of the consequences of an accident at a hazardous production facility.
Promtekhexpertiza experts conduct industrial safety assessments in strict accordance with federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety, requirements for drawing up an industrial safety expertise conclusion and are responsible for the objectivity and validity of the conclusions contained in the conclusion.
Promtekhekspertiza guarantees the safety of materials submitted for examination and the confidentiality of information provided by the client.
The company "Promtekhekspertiza" has all the necessary licenses and certificates for the examination of industrial safety, namely:
- Rostekhnadzor license for industrial safety expertise;
- civil liability insurance policy for harm caused by deficiencies in works that affect the safety of capital construction facilities;
- certification certificate non-destructive testing laboratory;
- certification certificate laboratory of destructive testing;
- FSB license for work related to the use of information constituting a state secret;
- licenses for work at nuclear facilities;
- certificate of membership in the self-regulatory organization NP "Interregional Cooperation in the Field of Industrial Safety";
- certificate of conformity "Quality Management System";
- certificate of conformity "Occupational Safety and Health Management System".
Promtekhexpertiza has successful customer experience in carrying out expert work in the field of industrial safety, confirmed by customer reviews, in many industries and in many objects of supervision, namely:
- oil and gas industry;
- metallurgy industry;
- mining industry;
- transporting hazardous substances
- storage and processing of plant materials;
- explosive and chemically hazardous industries;
- boiler supervision facilities;
- lifting facilities;
- construction objects: buildings and structures;
- gas supply and gas distribution systems.