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Personal Account

On the left of the account you can choose one of the features listed below:

Personal account (mob.version) Personal account


  1. Personal information - the section with Your personal data. Here you can view and change General information about You, such as your name, avatar, and contact information;

  2. Add a product - in this section You can add your products (products, services, developments, etc.) to our catalog. You can read more about the product placement procedure

  3. My products - here is information about the products you placed (if you added them). In this section, you can manage your offers: publish, hide from the catalog, and correct product content. More detailed

  4. Add a company profile - if you have a company that you represent, you need to add it using this item

  5. Company profile - here you can view information about your company and edit it.

  6. My messages - are your means of communication for communication (correspondence) within the platform. You can chat online directly with the owner of a particular product without resorting to third-party means of communication