Well Cementing
The RINACO Group of Companies supplies the CARBON-BIO grouting mixture with increased fracture toughness, high tamponing and clogging ability, the ability to withstand significant temperature loads, 2-5% volume expansion, and corrosion resistance.
Research Activities:
Pilot works using foam cement technology began with the aim of waterproofing the reservoir and restoring the tightness of the well support. The work was performed on the wells of the Permocarbon deposit of the Usinsky, South-Lower, Makarelsky and Yaregsky deposits. The success rate is 90%.
To conduct work on isolating steam breakthrough in the wells of the Yaregskoye field, the Department of Quality of Construction and Operation of Wells proposed over eight formulations of grouting composition “CARBON-BIO”. The laboratory and field studies performed (together with PechorNIPIneft LLC) made it possible to select the optimal composition of the components. The grouting stone obtained on the basis of the grouting mixture “CARBON-BIO” with the use of “foam cement technology” has increased crack resistance, high plugging ability, the ability to withstand significant temperature loads, shrinkage, and corrosion resistance.
The CARBON-BIO grouting mixture was used to carry out field work to eliminate steam breakthroughs in the tuffite horizon at wells 626, 652, 624, 633, 627, 625, 620 of the Yareganft oil-and-gas industry TPU LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftegaz. The success rate was 100%.
To carry out work in more severe temperature conditions (steam injection up to 270 ° C) at the Yaregskoye field, we developed a new grouting compounding. The work was carried out under the contract. Scope of work 10 wells (20 well operations, dia. 245 mm, 178 mm No. of wells 29D, 30D, 31D, 28D, 27D, 27N, 28N, 29N, 30N, 31N).
Extensive experience in conducting field operations in the conditions of intense absorption allowed us to successfully cement production casing of 2GS, 4GS and 7GS wells, where the FlexSTONE cement was replaced by grouting mix of our development, as well as 9GS, 8OC, 14OC, 9OC of the Usinskoye well. Since 2010, more than 300 well operations have been performed in complicated geological conditions (catastrophic absorption of drilling fluid 600-1000 m3 / day).
Comparative analysis of the work of cemented wells using foam cement technology (No. 11GS, 10GS, 7OC, 3264, 4856, 2GS, 4589) and all others on the KTsDNG-1 section of the Usinsk field (6154, 3348, 2541, 4266, 11044, 6153 , 8334) allows us to conclude that the use of technology contributes to the launch and operation of wells with increased oil production and a reduced percentage of water. In accordance with the results of measurements carried out on 5-7.10.12, the oil production rate in the first group of wells amounted to 20.2 tons / day. with a water cut of 49.7% - for the second 7.6 tons / day. with a water cut of 72%.
Currently, the RINACO Group of Companies is performing cementing of casing strings at the Usinsk field based on “foam cement technology” using the CARBON-BIO grouting mixture.
Research Activities:
Foam cementing technology
Foam cement is a mixture of cement mortar, air and surfactant. The foam cement technology is based on the lightweight cement mixture “CARBON-BIO” including fillers and reinforcing additives.
The composition of the grouting mixture allows you to:
to get a cement stone, resistant to aggressive environments;
to improve the structure of the grout mixture solution (with the joint operation of the compressor and surfactant);
to exclude the possibility of the formation of sedimentation channels;
increase the elasticity of cement stone.
Experience: on the positive side has established itself in the Resp. Komi at the facilities of LUKOIL-Komi LLC.
When cementing steam injection wells, with cyclically changing temperatures (up to 350 ° C), complicated by the presence in the section, formations with ANPD and low temperatures, the cementing operator faces several serious problems:
low temperature of stone formation during hardening
low density cement slurry
heat resistance of cement stone
Foam cement technology allows to solve these problems.
The benefits of foam cement:
low density of cement mortar 0.7-1.5 g / cm3;
high elasticity of cement stone;
heat resistance;
sedimentation stability;
improved mud displacement due to higher viscosity;
volumetric expansion in the OZZ process (up to + 0.5-5.0%);
single-stage cementing of wells with oil production wells;
prevention of behind-the-casing flows;
resistance to aggressive environments;
lack of permeability of cement stone;
slight filtration into reservoirs.