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GEOTEK LLC has many years of experience in conducting geophysical surveys vital in civil and industrial construction (railways, oil and gas pipelines, bridges, industrial facilities, etc.) in geodynamically unstable zones.

TECHNOLOGY from the company GEOTEK allows you to effectively track and predict the various stages of dangerous geological processes using a range of geophysical methods, engineering-geological and gas-geochemical studies.

The main innovative element of our technology is the unique development of Russian scientists - the technology for examining and monitoring the EIEMP of the stress-strain state (VAT) of the soil mass in potentially hazardous areas with complex geodynamic processes, which allows timely and continuous receipt of the necessary information about the state of soils, significantly increasing the reliability and the reliability of their diagnosis and forecast as a whole, and radically reduce risks in the construction and operation of important facilities.


The method of geophysical research from the company GEOTEC is based on the diagnosis of anomalies in the natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth - EIEMPZ that occur in places of concentration of the massif of the rock mass and vary in proportion to their value.

It has been theoretically and experimentally proved that at the stage of preparation and formation of the fracture zone (cracks, shifts, chips, dips, thawing, subsidence, etc.), a gradual violation of the stationary process of soil deformation occurs.

Geodynamic factors of rock deformation are the result of an avalanche-like formation of microcracks, sudden changes in the regime of groundwater (fluids), and hence the electrical properties of the geological environment. Microcracks formed under the action of mechanical loads are a source of local pulsed electromagnetic fields, as a result of various types of mechanical-electrical transformations in rocks. An increase in the frequency and amplitude of electromagnetic pulses exceeding the background values ​​is an indication of the amplification of the dynamic effect.

These factors are the main reason for the appearance of anomalies in the EEMPZ parameters long before the formation of irreversible disturbances in the continuity of the massif; they are clearly fixed in zones of elastic deformation, which is a unique feature of the technology.

The EEEMP method ( natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth ) is officially registered in the Code of Rules of the GOSSTROY of the Russian Federation (SP11-105-97, 2007), is a federal regulatory document.


We use various combinations of diagnostic methods and different sets of technical tools, depending on the task, its importance, speed of solution, nature and type of information received. The composition of such funds is determined on the basis of the results of reconnaissance work, analysis of the source data, available information about the state of the geological environment at the site of work, as well as an assessment of the physical, technical, geochemical, and electrical properties of the rocks.

The EIEMP diagnostic method can be combined with gas-emanation (geochemical) methods. These methods are unambiguous geodynamic markers, and together with the EEEMP method, they can make a forecast of the development of dangerous situations with irreversible consequences.

To assess the bearing capacity of soils and monitor their condition, measurements are also made by gas-emanation methods.


Diagnostic examination of soils using the EEMP method allows:

  • diagnostics of soils and contouring of zones of activation of hazardous geological processes (karst, landslide, tectonic faults, mine side jobs, etc.) long before actual visual deformations appear on the surface;
  • obtaining, at the stage of pre-design surveys, the correct results about the location and geodynamic state of dangerous natural and technogenic sections of the designed route (gas and oil pipeline, iron or highway, etc.);
  • forecasting the moments of activation of hazardous geological processes (UCP), which allows timely implementation of management decisions;
  • organization and creation of potentially hazardous areas of the Automated system of geophysical monitoring of early warning of activation of dangerous geological processes;
  • optimization of capital repair plans, the scale of financing the timing of repair and restoration work, primarily in potentially emergency areas.

ATTENTION: ASGM from the company GEOTEK gives a reliable probabilistic forecast of the danger of activation of dangerous geological processes on the time horizon from several days to 1-2 months!

LLC "Geotek"

地点: Russia Moscow
主要产品/服务: Radio wave diagnostics of hazardous geological processes at fuel and energy facilities. Organization of automated monitoring systems
注册: Russia Moscow