LLC "Sibburmash Plant"
Tyumen Plant of Geological Exploration Equipment and Machines is a modern, well-equipped enterprise with unique experience in designing and manufacturing oilfield, drilling and geological exploration equipment. Thanks to the accumulated experience and application of modern technologies, the plant manufactures competitive products that surpass domestic and imported analogues in their characteristics. The plant’s activities include: Design of process systems, equipment and mechanisms for drilling operations and oil production. Manufacture of blowout prevention equipment, valves and wellhead sealing devices, and wellhead valves. The plant manufactures unique blowout prevention equipment for preventing and eliminating accidents that occur during drilling. Repair of drilling rig units and equipment for underground and major repairs, well testing, etc. Product testing. The plant is equipped with equipment for hydraulic testing of manufactured products. The maximum test pressure is 105 MPa (1050 bar, 15000 psi).