Well Cementing Service Company (NGS)
Location or Storage Country: Russia
Location: Russia / Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug / Noyabrsk
Cash Flow: $16,154,000
Gross Revenue: $246,153
Price: Call for price
Hello! We suggest you consider the possibility of providing support to the developing oilfield service company LLC Investtechkom, registered in Russia, Noyabrsk in October 2017, which provides services for the construction and repair of oil and gas wells in the fields of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, Russia. Since December 2017, Investekhkom Ltd., according to the results of the competition, has entered into an agreement with the Branch of the Oil and Gas Corporation "Chjunman" OJSC and has started to provide services for well cementing at the Kharampurskoye field of the Kynsko-Chaselsky oil and gas LLC. developed, recruited staff to the Company’s staff. Acquired equipment for leasing (OOO RLC Yamal) with the help of the District Financial Group supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the YNAO. They also entered into agreements with the following companies: OOO Azprom Burenie ", IGS Technology LLC and GeoLad-ST LLC and performed several works. At the same time, we were looking for investors. Today we are looking for investments and offer services of different types of work on cementing and repairing wells in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. But Since we are a new company, our efforts, without support, have not yet been crowned with success. We have developed TWO options for the development of a high-tech oilfield service enterprise at YAMAL - a program of at least 274 million rubles. and a program of a maximum of 1,100 million rubles, or according to other possibilities of the Investor. We are two project organizers with extensive experience in the construction and repair of oil and gas wells, including in foreign companies. We guarantee the complete organization of a competitive enterprise at the level of world standards and the development of high technologies. In the attached file all the brief information you need. Thank you for understanding. LLC "Investekhkom" YNAO, Noyabrsk

Сервис по цементированию и ремонту НГС
Markets: ПАО «НК «РОСНЕФТЬ», ПАО «Газпром» и основные подрядчики по бурению и ремонту скважин.
Total Employees: 14
Locations: Россия, ЯНАО, г. Ноябрьск
Main Products/Services: 1.Крепление обсадных колонн скважин; 2. Ремонтно-изоляционные работы эксплуатационных колонн изолирующими материалами; 3. Ликвидация нефтегазоводопроявлений в межколонном пространстве (МКП); 4. Консервация и ликвидация скважин; 5. Обработка призабойной зоны пласта скважин кислотными составами и корозионная защита ингибиторами.
Registration: Россия, ЯНАО, г. Ноябрьск
Year Established: 2017