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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

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Environmental impact assessment according to Russian standards

The main goal of the work:
Identification of the nature, intensity and degree of danger of the impact of the planned economic and other activities on the environment in order to prevent or mitigate this impact and the associated social, economic and other consequences.

Tasks to be solved:
Assessment of the current state of the environment of the territory;
- Forecast of the possible negative consequences of the planned activity on the environment with an assessment of damage to natural resources;
- Development of a set of proposals for the rational use of natural resources in construction and technical solutions for the prevention of negative environmental impacts.

Documents governing the composition and content of work:
Federal Law “On Environmental Protection dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ Art. 32

NAO "NPC" SibGeo ""

Locations: Russia / Tyumen
Main Products/Services: Ecological work for energy companies
Registration: Russia / Tyumen