Rusk AKB all-metal AKB RPS-32.024
(Equipment / Material)
Model Number: Сухарь
Condition: New
Location or Storage Country: Russia
Location: Russia / Tyumen
Service Engineering Support: Yes
Warranty: No
Price: Call for price
A design feature of the rpc rps-32.024 rusk is the integrity of the substrate and comb, as well as a unique alloy. Compared to traditional rusks, the operating time of the RPS-32.024 battery was increased by 32% (~ 4000 screwing / unscrewing). In addition, during the work of these crackers there are no chips, which eliminates the ingress of metal fragments into the well. In the production of standard crackers for drill keys, a carbide comb is used. The comb and substrate are connected using solders. Rusk AKB RPS-32.024 was tested in the fields of leading drilling companies of the Tyumen region. Positive feedback was received on the results of the work of the battery cracker.

OOO «Stator»
Locations: Russia / Tyumen
Main Products/Services: Production of drilling sub, tubing, tooling elements
Registration: Russia / Tyumen
Year Established: 1991