Hydraulic anchor 2 YAG
(Equipment / Material)
Model Number: 2 ЯГ
Condition: New
Location or Storage Country: Russia
Location: Russia / Bashkortostan / Ishimbay
Service Engineering Support: Yes
Warranty: No
Price: Call for price
The sealing of pipes of tubing and drill rigs during impact on the formation in gas and oil wells is carried out using a mechanical packer. The packer, in turn, is held in place by hydraulic anchors. The hydraulic anchors of the modernized design of the 2NG can be operated under differential pressure up to 50 megapascals with an ultimate axial force of 750 kN. In addition to a high pressure drop, the mechanism steadily withstands elevated - up to +150 degrees - temperatures. The hydraulic anchor 2YAG (2YAG-118-50 and 2YAG-136-50) works with casing pipes with a nominal diameter of 146 and 168 millimeters (in accordance with the indicated models). Thanks to the anchor, the packer is rigidly fixed at its workplace, and the pipe string receives protection against axial movements.

LLC "Uralneftemashkomplekt"
Locations: Russia / Bashkortostan / Ishimbay
Main Products/Services: Drilling rigs and units for well repair
Registration: Russia / Bashkortostan / Ishimbay