A range of services to industrial enterprises in the field of ecology: the development of environmental sections of projects, environmental audits, environmental consulting, etc.
Our environmental services:
- Development and coordination of integrated environmental solutions;
- Development of a declaration of environmental impact;
- Development of projects in the field of environmental regulation:
- waste generation standards and limits for their disposal (PNOOLR);
- maximum permissible emissions (MPE) of harmful (polluting) substances into the air;
- standards for permissible discharges (VAT) of substances and microorganisms into water bodies and central drainage systems (CVS).
- Development of hazardous waste passports.
- Project development of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) for enterprises and industrial units, including as part of project documentation.
- Health risk assessment from exposure to chemicals in the air.
- Development of the sections “List of measures for environmental protection” (MEP) and “Environmental Impact Assessment” (EIA) of project documentation.
- Development of industrial environmental control programs.
- Preparation of materials for licensing activities in the field of waste management of I-IV hazard classes.
- Development of technological schemes for wastewater injection at underground disposal sites.
- Conducting environmental audits and consulting.
- Research work in the field of geoecology.
- Conducting industrial environmental control, environmental engineering surveys.
- Development of technical regulations for production processes for waste disposal.
- Development of land reclamation projects.
- Development of projects for sanitary protection zones of drinking water supply sources.

Locations: Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Main Products/Services: Technical consulting, provision of services to design institutes, research and development, financial audit
Registration: Russia, Saint-Petersburg