Computer Monitoring system for Accident Prevention and status Monitoring Compacs®
Monitoring of the technical condition is the diagnosis of all the main equipment malfunctions and its components with a probability close to 1 at continuously adjacent time intervals during which the equipment state does not change significantly. Monitoring the technical condition of the equipment allows you to timely detect the occurrence of destructive loads, defects and malfunctions and take operational measures to restore the satisfactory technical condition of the equipment or to stop the development of malfunctions in it.
The COMPACS ® system is a universal system for comprehensive monitoring of the technical condition of equipment and has a flexible distributed parallel-serial architecture that provides high speed and accuracy of information processing (for dynamic equipment, the polling rate is less than 0.02 min per channel, and for static in real time) that allows you to implement the following basic principles:
- The principle of information completeness provides a choice of diagnostic features that reduces the likelihood of skipping a failure.
- The sufficiency principle determines the choice of the minimum number of sensors that ensure observability of the technical condition of the equipment.
- The principle of invariance and collective recognition governs the selection and selection of collective diagnostic features that are invariant to the design of the machine and the form of communication with the parameters of its technical condition.
- The principle of structural flexibility and programmability ensures the implementation of the optimal parallel-serial structure of the system.
- The principle of correction of imperfection of measuring paths by computer computational methods (correction of non-linearity of sensors, amplitude-phase characteristics of matching-converting links, etc.) allows to ensure high metrological properties of diagnostic and monitoring systems at low hardware costs.
- The principle of self-diagnosis and automated verification of the measuring and control channels of the system ensures its easy commissioning, ease of maintenance and repair of individual channels, metrological and functional reliability of the system, its survival and adaptability to constantly changing conditions of real production.
- The principle of interface friendliness with the maximum information capacity of the data presentation screen ensures that the operator perceives the state of the technological system as a whole at a glance at the monitor and obtains a purposeful prescription for immediate immediate actions.
- The principle of multi-level organization provides work with the system to specialists of different skill levels and responsibilities.
The COMPACS ® integrated monitoring system uses such non-destructive testing methods as vibration, acoustic emission, thermal, electric, eddy current, acoustic, optical, etc. The use of these methods in the complex allows controlling on a single software and hardware platform and in a single information environment dynamic equipment (pumps, compressors, etc.) and static equipment (columns, reactors, tanks, pipelines) - COMPACS ® -AE system.
Vibration sensors allow measuring together 3 vibration parameters: vibration acceleration, vibration velocity and vibration displacement. A joint analysis of vibration acceleration, vibration velocity, vibration displacement, their growth rates, stochastic and spectral-correlation characteristics of vibration parameters allows us to identify defects at the nucleation stage, which is confirmed by 25 years of experience in operating COMPACS ® systems in hundreds of industries in 12 sectors of the national economy.
The complex stationary monitoring system for the technical condition of the COMPACS ® equipment relates to first-class systems (according to the RF standard GOST R 53564-2009) and can be used for integrated monitoring of the entire technological installation, including facilities of the first, second and third categories with the possibility of automatic blocking of hazardous units and provide safe resource-saving operation of the equipment according to the actual technical condition.
The use of the COMPACS ® monitoring system allows enterprises to switch to resource-saving operation of the equipment according to the actual technical condition, which is allowed by the relevant national standards of the Russian Federation: GOST R 53565-2009 “Monitoring the condition of equipment of hazardous production facilities. Vibration of centrifugal pumping and compressor units ”, GOST R 53564-2009“ Monitoring the condition of equipment in hazardous industries. Requirements for monitoring systems ”, GOST R 53563-2009“ Monitoring the status of equipment in hazardous industries. Organization Procedure ”, other regulatory and technical documents of the Russian Federation. The use of the COMPACS ® system allows avoiding unreasonable repairs and significantly increasing the overhaul period of equipment operation.