Surface and Underground water Treatment
POLYINFORM CJSC carries out a full range of works on the purification of water bodies:
- cleaning the surface of the water area and the coastal zone from pollution with oil and oil products
- cleaning the bottom of water bodies from various deposits
- groundwater treatment
Cleaning the surface of water areas and the coastal zone includes:
- localization of oil spills (sorbents, booms or other means of localization)
- oil spill collection by regular collection means - oil collectors
- Removing residual oil film using a Soylex ® biological product
- bio-treatment of the contaminated coastal zone using the Soylex ® biological product
The advantages of the proposed technology are as follows: high degree of purification; short cleaning times; the use of biosorbents with long buoyancy; lack of pollution of the bottom layers of the soil and the bottom of water bodies.
Cleaning the bottom of reservoirs from various deposits is carried out by specialized technical means, including: floating excavators, pumping equipment, etc.
Applied technology provides work from the surface of the water. It allows you to successfully clean ponds from contaminated sludge, construction and industrial waste, shore protection and dredging of ponds. The recovered industrial waste, "fuel" and contaminated sludge are disposed of at special landfills.
Groundwater treatment is carried out according to a specially developed technology.
Groundwater pollution is characterized by a large distribution area and the complexity of the study. As a result of this, hydrogeological studies are initially carried out, on the basis of which a computer hydrodynamic model of the object is compiled, the distribution of pollution in gravitationally mobile form and in a dissolved state is mapped, filtration and migration parameters of aquifers and aeration zones are determined, and pollution migration forecast in aquifers is compiled.
Depending on the results of hydrogeological research and the degree of pollution, the method of groundwater treatment is chosen.
In case of severe pollution, when there is a lens of oil products on the surface of groundwater, the lens is pumped out using special membranes, followed by separation and disposal.
After removing the lens of free petroleum products, emulsified petroleum products remain on the water-bearing rocks and rocks of the aeration zone.
Emulsified or dissolved petroleum products are eliminated by injecting a liquid form of a biological product through production wells with simultaneous aeration of groundwater. The technology also includes flushing a contaminated aquifer.
During the cleaning period, constant chemical and microbiological control is carried out in order to adjust the content of microorganisms and the necessary nutrients in the cleaned rocks.
Work using this technology was carried out at dozens of facilities in various regions with diverse climatic conditions.