Commercial Aircraft Engine CF6-80E1
(Equipment / Material)
Model Number: CF6-80E1
Condition: New
Location or Storage Country: USA
Service Engineering Support: Yes
Warranty: No
Price: Call for price
For 45 years, the CF6 engine family has established an impressive operational record. CF6 engines have compiled nearly 430 million flight hours since they first entered commercial revenue service in 1971. Certified to power more than 13 different aircraft types, the CF6 has accumulated more than 115 million flight cycles in service. Selected to power the DC-10 series 30 aircraft, and later selected to power the new Airbus A300 and Boeing 747, the CF6-50 is a 46,000-54,000 pound thrust derivative of the CF6-6.
- The CF6 engine family is the cornerstone of the widebody engine aircraft business.
- Long Distance Operation
- The CF6 engines are known for their high reliability
Type | Turbofan |
Takeoff thrust (lbf) | 69800 |
Overall pressure ratio (takeoff / top-of-climb) | 32.4-34.8 |
Fan Diameter (in) | 114 |
Base Engine Length (in) | 168 |
Compressor Stages (Fan/Booster/HPC) | 1/4/14 |
Turbine Stages (HP/LP) | 2/5 |

General Electric (GE)
Locations: United States / Massachusetts
Main Products/Services: Oil & Gas, Power, Renewable energy & Energy Management, Healthcares & Intelligent Platforms, Digital & Lighting, Transportation & Aviation