Crawler-Mounted Drilling rig URB-2A2
The most popular machine of our plant is the URB-2A2 drilling rig . More precisely, the URB-2A-2 on the Ural-4320 chassis. It has on board everything you need to perform most of the tasks associated with drilling to a depth of 300 meters, is well assembled, has high productivity and is unpretentious in operation. This is a kind of benchmark for drilling rigs.
Even on well-known sites where people usually sell phones, furniture and cars, you can easily find an ad for Selling drilling rig URB-2A2.
It is like a Kalashnikov assault rifle in the world of drilling rigs: simple design, trouble-free operation, durability in almost any weather and in any climate, huge prevalence .
This is a rotary drilling rig designed for rotary drilling with flushing or blowing holes, or augers.
A hydraulically driven rotator moving along the mast is used when drilling, augmenting a drilling tool and performs, together with a hydraulic jack, the work of lowering (lifting) the tool and its feeding during drilling. The rotator moves along the mast using a hydraulic cylinder and a traveling system.
Installation of the installation is possible not only on the Ural-4320 chassis, but also on the ZIL-131, KAMAZ-43114, as well as MTLBU (TGM-21U, TGM-4), it is driven by the vehicle engine. "Ural" is chosen more often, as this car has better cross-country ability, which is very important when working in hard-to-reach areas.
We always offer a variety of configuration options and try to make the result a drilling rig that is maximally adapted to your tasks, the price will depend on the selected configuration.