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LLC Ural Mining and Drilling Company

Country: Russia
Locations: Russia, Yekaterinburg
Registration: Russia, Yekaterinburg
Main Products/Services: Production and supply of equipment for the oil and gas complex

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Active participation in the development of oil drilling and mining industry takes LLC Ural Mining and Drilling Company. The main focus of its activities is the production and supply of drilling equipment and spare parts for facilities. Before proceeding with the production of oil and other minerals, it is necessary to drill wells. It is impossible to cope with the task without special drilling equipment.


It is possible to ensure the drilling process with minimal loss of time and financial costs using high-quality drilling equipment supplied by the company. Drilling wells is a complex process that requires good preparation. The main production process includes well drilling and a number of auxiliary works, which include:

  • drilling equipment maintenance;
  • reliable fastening of the well by casing pipes;
  • geophysical surveys in a well designed for drilling.

All these works can be done using equipment supplied by the Ural Mining and Drilling Company. The user will find a wide range of equipment and spare parts for the mining and drilling industries in the catalog on the website of this supplier. Among the products sold there are samples:

  • pumps and rotors;
  • winches and crown blocks;
  • career and walking excavators;
  • crushing and other equipment.

In addition, they guarantee high quality and long life of the products sold. The company offers its customers a range of services for the sale, delivery, after-sales service, installation and repair of supplied equipment.