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LLC "Regional Commercial and Industrial Company"

Country: Russia
Locations: Russia, Yekaterinburg
Registration: Russia, Yekaterinburg
Year Established: 2002
Main Products/Services: Production and supply of refractories, high temperature insulation

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LLC Regional Commercial and Industrial Company is one of the leading companies in the Russian market for the assembly and supply of refractory and high-temperature heat-insulating materials and products from them.

RTPK LLC offers quality products at the level of world standards, is a member of the Baramist Group of Companies, which also combines production and engineering companies.

The company's assets include a team of professionals, its own warehouse resources and a logistics service to ensure uninterrupted supplies of the necessary materials on time.

The main objectives of the company:

  • Promotion of refractory and heat-insulating products and materials, components for boiler rooms, furnaces and melting units, modern high-tech products of Baramist Group using current marketing, financial and household tools.
  • Providing long-term business relationships with contractors.
  • Providing customers with high-quality personalized solutions to reduce repair costs, energy costs, cost, ensure production safety
  • The sale of more than 70 items of market demand for refractory products, concrete and ceramic fiber felt, blankets, mats and cardboards made of mullite-siliceous fiber, flame retardant and protective high-temperature coatings, mixtures, mastics, mortars, ceramic filters for metal cleaning, etc.
  • Transfer of advanced foreign developments with the subsequent adaptation of production technologies, testing and applied scientific research for further practical application of the results in the Russian industry.

The company's goal is to ensure the timely supply of high-quality refractory materials and products of high-temperature thermal insulation of the latest generation on competitive terms at the expense of a team of professional specialists. Since 2007, the company has been steadily operating a quality management system that complies with the international standard ISO 9001: 2000