Screw Conveyors Typhoon-TSH 114/1000/1.5
(Equipment / Material)
Model Number: ТАЙФУН-ТШ 114/1000/1.5
Condition: New
Location or Storage Country: Russia
Service Engineering Support: Yes
Warranty: Yes
Price: Call for price
The screw conveyor "TAIFUN screw conveyor" is designed to handle bulk materials in the oil and gas industry, construction industry, energy and environmental production enterprises, chemical industry, food and agricultural industries. Equipment application: The use of a screw feeder allows to significantly simplify some of the production processes. The scope of application of the screw conveyor is quite wide. The equipment is a key mechanism in the construction industry and can be used in the glass or mining industries. Due to the existing capabilities and functionality, the screw conveyor is capable of not only transporting materials, but also dosing them. Due to the design features, it is not recommended to use it when working with sticky, compacting and highly abrasive materials. Today, the TAIFUN screw conveyor line is represented by several devices with different technical characteristics and capabilities. Operational features: The main operating principle of the screw conveyor is the movement of dry bulk materials using a high-strength screw. In this case, each device, depending on the model and configuration, has certain indicators of the distance over which it can move the load. Transportation can be carried out in various directions, without distance limitations. However, when moving at an angle, it is recommended to limit it to 15 meters, which does not exceed an angle of 60 °. Screw conveyors differ in the shape of the body and diameter. Depending on the purpose and type of cargo, it is necessary to select the optimal dimensions (114-320 mm). As part of the standard configuration, it is possible to implement the rotation of the screw, located in a closed casing, in both directions. The overall dimensions of the TYPHOON screw feeders have both constant and temporary indicators depending on the tasks at hand. Advantages of the TYPHOON screw conveyor in a pipe In addition to a long manufacturer's warranty of 24 months, the screw conveyor has a number of other advantages, including: - automation of part of the production work and, as a result, - time savings; - the possibility of staff reduction; - improving production performance and operating efficiency of the enterprise; - uninterrupted supply of materials at optimal speed; - ease of operation; - intuitive control, no need for long-term personnel training; - ease of maintenance; - relatively small overall dimensions.
Rotation speed: 187 rpm
Diameter: 114 mm
Length: 1000 mm
Engine power: 1.5 kW/hour
Productivity: 3 t/hour
Tilt angle: 0-45

Industrial Installations Plant LLC
Markets: РФ, СНГ
Main Products/Services: Drilling and technological equipment
Registration: 454038, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, Mramornaya st., 26e, building 1