Screw Conveyor Typhoon-CM 168/2000/3.0
(Equipment / Material)
Model Number: ТАЙФУН-ЦМ 168/2000/3.0
Condition: New
Location or Storage Country: Russia
Service Engineering Support: Yes
Warranty: Yes
Price: Call for price
Almost all production processes require modern equipment for transporting bulk raw materials. To transfer finely dispersed media containing abrasive particles over various distances, screw feed capabilities are used. A cement screw conveyor is an excellent solution for transferring cement over a distance and height limited by functionality. Unlike other offers on the modern equipment market, a cement screw has excellent performance characteristics, as well as performance and wear resistance indicators. Application and operating restrictions Due to design features, the use of a cement screw is only permissible for pumping construction cement. This is due to the fact that carbon steel alloys act as the main material used to create surfaces in contact with the pumped raw materials. Pumping aggressive media can cause equipment failure. The supplied equipment is additionally equipped with two types of gate devices: disk; gate. The valves can be controlled either manually or by means of an electric/pneumatic drive. Features of technical characteristics Among the main technical characteristics, which are also the advantages of cement screw conveyors, we can highlight: the ability to set the feed angle of the raw material from 0° to 45°; depending on the task, the cement screw can be up to 15,000 mm long; the screw rotates thanks to an electric drive, the power of which can reach 18.5 kW; the rotation speed of the cement screw is optimal and ensures the homogeneity of the mixture, eliminating the possibility of caking and lumps; the maximum feed of the mixture per hour can reach 90 tons, which allows using the equipment as an element of production lines; due to additional sealing of the bearing unit, regardless of the operating time of the cement screw feeder, the pumped media do not get into the internal cavity of the device; a quick-release inspection hatch ensures unhindered inspection. Basic advantages of a cement auger In addition to competitive technical characteristics, a cement auger, unlike similar products presented on the modern market, has other advantages: increased strength of the design parts ensures long-term operation of the equipment; splined connection of the gearbox and drive shaft ensures fast and error-free docking; production of ordered equipment is carried out in the shortest possible time; enhanced warranty - 24 months.
Rotation speed: 280 rpm
Diameter: 168 mm
Length: 2000 mm
Engine power: 3 kW/hour
Productivity: 13 t/hour
Tilt angle: 0-45

Industrial Installations Plant LLC
Markets: РФ, СНГ
Main Products/Services: Drilling and technological equipment
Registration: 454038, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, Mramornaya st., 26e, building 1