Development of LS-DYNA
Since many years Dynamore is engaged in code development for LS-DYNA. The material rules for composite materials were already implemented in 90s.Today, a small group is working for implementing new features and methods in LS-DYNA. We are directly connected to the Release management of LSTC. The clients are from USA, Germany and Asia. Our capabilities cover the entire spectrum of FE technology. Parallelization and porting of the code is not carried out by us.
Examples for the implementation are:
- Material models for fibre composites
- Extension of the tissue material model for implicit calculation
- Contact for modelling of failing glue joints
- Bar/beam implementation (resulting) for asymmetrical cross-sections
- User-defined interface for friction under MPP
- User-Element interface
- General damage formulation with premature damage /initial damage
- Welding point models
- Material model with mixed hardening under cyclic load/stress
- Material model for cohesive links
- Material model for forming calculations: Hill 90

DYNAmore GmbH
Main Products/Services: Software development & support services