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Determination of inflow Profile and Watering Sources

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Interpretation of Data: No
Studies are based on the registration of physical fields, determined by the presence and structure of fluid flows in the wellbore and near-wellbore space. Measurements are carried out at steady-state (long-running wells), unsteady (wells with a change in the selection mode) and transient thermo-hydrodynamic fields. Unsteady modes occur after starting or stopping a well. The combination of a short start and a subsequent stop leads to transition fields. To solve the problems of determining the profiles of the inflow and the sources of watering, a complex of different-mode studies is used: in the stopped and working wells, as well as in the process of calling the inflow. Measurements are carried out within a separate interval of detailed studies. When working in wells with low reservoir pressures (non-flowing), additional measurements are taken along the wellbore in the intervals of changes in the static and dynamic levels of the medium sections. The complex geophysical equipment Sova-2, Sova-3, Sova-5, Sova-9, Flowmeter Sova-3r is used.

Typical conditions for applying the method:

  • in cased wells filled with any flushing fluid or gas;
  • with any method of opening the formation (perforation, filter on the shank, etc.);
  • for various types of inflow call (in gushing wells, during compression, swabbing, or the operation of a jet pump).
  • allocation of intervals for the influx of oil, water and gas;
  • determination of the inflow profile, watering sources;
  • estimation of flow rate and composition of inflow, determination of percentage of water cut;
  • allocation of intervals of radio geochemical anomalies;
  • determination of the position of static and dynamic levels of phase separation in the wellbore.
  • gamma ray logging;
  • magnetic locator of couplings;
  • barometry, manometry;
  • highly sensitive thermometry;
  • dielcometric moisture metering;
  • induction resistivimetry;
  • thermoconductive flow indicator;
  • mechanical flow metering.


The registered parameters:
Flow indicator
Water content
Gamma radiation intensity
A magnetic field
Fluid flow rate

° C
g / l
mcr / hour
m 3 / day

OJSC Kogalymneftegeofizika

Locations: Russia / Kogalym
Main Products/Services: Geophysical and geological and technological research, data interpretation
Registration: Russia / Kogalym