Comprehensive Logging for 1 STR
Logging is carried out by an autonomous complex of Russian production. Designed to conduct open hole research with horizontal completion on a drilling tool.
- The composition of the complex allows for a full GIS complex, namely:
- High-frequency electromagnetic well logging - VEMKZ;
- Induction logging - IR;
- Double lateral logging - BK;
- Lateral logging sounding - BKZ;
- The potential for spontaneous polarization is PS;
- Resistivity meter;
- Inclinometer;
- Thermometer;
- Neutron-neutron logging - 2NNK;
- Gamma-ray logging;
- Density gamma-gamma-ray logging - GGKp.
Assembly diagram
Advantages of the complex:
- Logging in horizontal wells with a diameter of 120 mm;
- Record of all methods in 1 round trip;
- The total length of the complex is not more than 23.8 m;
- The ability to exclude from the assembly modules that are not needed;
- High speed logging in the absence of radioactive methods up to 1400 m / h, when recording GGKp up to 400 m / h;
- The length of the modules is not more than 4 m;
- Continuous operation time up to 12 hours.
An example of a conclusion on a well recorded by the SKL-A complex
OAO Nizhnevartovskneftegeofizika
Locations: Moscow / Nizhnevartovsk
Main Products/Services: Full range of geophysical services