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Technology Anchar

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ANCHAR - microseismic infrasound exploration for oil and gas, technology for the direct forecast of hydrocarbons in geological structures. The main solvable task of classical seismic exploration is to identify promising structures for oil and gas. ANCHAR - technology for solving the problem of determining the oil and gas potential of these structures. Those. the technology combines well with the results of 2D and 3D seismic surveys, supplementing information on the prospectivity of prospecting and exploration sites and adjusting the design of deep drilling.

The ANCHAR (Acoustic Low Frequency Exploration) technology, which laid the foundation for infrasound microseismic exploration for oil and gas, has been successfully used in geological exploration for more than 20 years, since the mid-90s [Patents RF, 1992, 1992, 2004]. During this period, several hundred thousand km2 of promising territories were studied, about 300 traps of both structural and non-structural types were investigated. The forecast made by ANCHAR technology was verified by subsequent drilling of more than 110 wells. The forecasting success rate was about 80%. Thus, the technology has long been successfully used in exploratory practice.

Differences in ANCHAR technology

A direct geophysical forecast of hydrocarbon saturation and a qualitative assessment of the predominant composition (oil, gas) from an analysis of the infrasound seismic field from the earth's surface.

A signal carrying useful information has a noise nature and is generated by the reservoir itself.

Benefits of ANCHAR Technology

  • Simplicity and ease of field data acquisition:

The field part of works on ANCHAR technology is implemented by a small group of specialists equipped with:

  1. Light all-terrain vehicle on which control units for communications and navigation are located.
  2. Miniature multichannel infrasound station.
  3. Original telemetry recording installations.
  4. In the active version - a standard seismic vibrator
  • Environmental friendliness. The degree of environmental impact when using the induced effect of ANCHAR is minimal - only one seismic vibrator is used. When using the spontaneous effect of ANCHAR, there is no environmental impact at all.
  • Comparative cheapness
  • Proven Efficiency
  • Great work experience. For almost 25 years have been:
  1. studied infrasound fields over an area of more than 100,000 sq. km
  2. The forecast of oil and gas potential of almost 300 traps of structural and non-structural types
  • The presence of solid partners. On an industrial scale, ANCHAR technology is used in the search for oil and gas deposits by the exploration enterprises of GAZPROM, Lukoil, ONAKO, TNK, and other companies.
  • Long-term presence in the oil and gas exploration services market
  • A large forecast success rate using ANCHAR technology. At 40 research sites using the ANCHAR method, the results were examined by deep drilling. Luck ratio was about 85%.


Locations: Russia Moscow
Main Products/Services: Exploration work on low-frequency (infrasound) intelligence technology