New regulations for davits used in the offshore industry on both sides of the Atlantic are driving a step change in safe davit design. In Norway NORSOK R002 regulations has come into force from 2015. The regulations apply to davits and lifting appliances used on offshore installations and specify many new design features and safety systems. Vestdavit is the leader in equipment ready to meet the demanding new standards.
Raising the bar
NORSOK R002 will eventually require davit on offshore installations in Norwegian waters to be upgraded to the new regulations. That raises the bar for offshore boat handling systems as the majority of offshore contractors and labour organisations will demand the same standards of safety on ships as on fixed rigs. Key elements of the regulations are requirements for a dual independent winch brake system, hoisting speed, davit cylinder redundancy, reinforced davit structure and hydraulic power pack and electrical cabinet built in compliance with EX zone regulations.
A full range of norsok davits
Vestdavit has a full range of NORSOKcompliantdavits.
D-5000: The 5 tonnes SWL NORSOK R002 davit is designed for FRCs boats.
PLR-6000: The 6 tonnes SWL NORSOK R002 pivoting A-frame davit for FRCs includes all mandatory safety features.
HN-16000: FPSOs and other floaters which will work in the Norwegian North Sea also need NORSOK-compliant lifeboat davits. Vestdavit is the first to meet that demand with its all new HN-16000 two point lifting davit for life boats. The davit has a SWL of 16 tonnes, and can be adapted to many types of lifeboats.
DNV. Other approval on request
5000 kg
CE marking according to the Marine Equipment Directive
Optional Equipment
Self tension winch system, hydraulic line puller, hydraulic end stop, remote control unit
Hydraulically and stored power according to SOLAS
Typical Users
Fixed installation, Semi Sub, Jack UP`S
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