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Страна: Норвегия
Основные продукты/сервисы: CAD & CAP services; Civil engineering, concrete structures services; Computer based modelling services; Computer based simulation, training programs services; Construction management & supervision services; Data & message transmitting services; Data management services; Engineering R&D services; General IT consultancy services; Information

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VISAM AS is software development, 2D/3D designing and animation services provider. We help corporations and start-ups to create unique and customized applications, products and animated video. We are highly experienced and skilled in developing solutions for Oil & Gas, Architecture & Infrastructure, Construction, Ship Building, Maritime, Automotive and Product Development industries. The technologies we use vary from project to project. VISAM AS develops innovative WEB-BASED 3D DATA HUB - “VISAM 3D”. VISAM 3D is the collaboration/communication tool between Customers and Contractors during the design process. This is the system to manage 3d models, connected meta information and linked documents (files, videos, pictures, …) and collaboration/communication between users.