ANSA - CAE pre-Processing Software tool
is an advanced multidisciplinary CAE pre-processing tool that provides all the necessary functionality for full-model build up, from CAD data to ready-to-run solver input file, in a single integrated environment.
is the users' preference due to its wide range of features and tools that meet their needs. The list of productive and versatile features is long and the alternative tasks and processes to be completed using them are countless.
Main Application Areas
In daily industrial CAE processes and in numerous independent benchmarks, ANSA has proven to be not only the most effective CAE pre-processor, but also the only one that could actually handle some of the modeling tasks. The speed and versatility of ANSA is due to the synthesis of concepts developed and/or perfected by BETA CAE Systems S.A. . Through these innovations, ANSA has been leading the CAE pre-processing software industry for more than a decade.
Some of the features that distinguish ANSA are:
- fast, robust proprietary algorithms,
- easy to use geometry clean up, healing and construction,
- geometry based assembly and boundary conditions definition,
- mesh with geometry associativity,
- controllable and predictable shell and volume meshing,
- straight forward batch meshing,
- CAD and FE-models in one data base,
- connections manager for direct and versatile assembly,
- fast, automatic and high quality meshing of assembled geometry,
- mesh reconstruction, coarsening / refinement and quality improvement,
- interoperability between pre-processing Decks of numerous solvers,
- Parts management, linking, and powerful database management features,
- intuitive and highly customizable menu interface
µETA has gained a respectful position as an industrial CAE post-processor due to numerous advanced features and innovations.
Some of these are:
- Powerful, complete 2DPlot tool, integrated into the same software.
- Interoperating 2D-plot and 3D-display in a way that data can pass from the one to the other.
- Report tool, integrated into the same software.
- Lots of reporting capabilities, such as statistics, multi model / states statistics and powerful annotation tool.
- Effective video and image handling, with matching, video synchronization, video tracking and more.
- Linear combination as well as any other mathematical operation can be applied on results.
- Calculation of Modal Response results.
- High level of support of ABAQUS .odb files.
- High level of automating processes through session files, with variables and loops, user toolbars and custom short-cuts.
- A scripting language same as in ANSA , which further extent automation capabilities.
- Completely customizable, user friendly, interface.
- Effective coupling into optimization cycles.
- Remote control of µETA process through the network.