Material Modelling
Accurate material models are a key ingredient for obtaining simulation results that can be depended on. We have aided many companies with material modeling and developing methods for determining matarial properties from tests including the selection and development of testing methods. Examples of projects are:
- Automatic procedure to determine very high temperature dependent material properties of steel from simple bending test and inverse modeling using LS-DYNA and LS-OPT.
- Designing testing methods and corresponding material indentification method for determining the GISSMO failure parameters of metals (*MAT_ADD_EROSION).
- Development of a material model and procedure for continuous arc welding simulation.
- Development of a testing method to identify material parameters of rubber under large deformation under multiaxial loading. Implementation of numerous material models in LS-DYNA ranging from concrete, metals to rubber.
- Developing av procedure for modeling of automotive seat foam including pore air flow modeling using *CONTROL_PORE_AIR.
- Modeling of composite and composite sandwich materials in projects for light weight vehicles, e.g. for the crash analysis of the ZBee and the EU FP6 SuperLIGHT-Car-project .

DYNAmore GmbH
Основные продукты/сервисы: Software development & support services