
LLC "Geospace Technologies Eurasia"

地点: Russia / Ufa
注册: Russia / Ufa
成立年: 1990
主要产品/服务: Production and sale of geophysical equipment

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The Geospace Technologies Eurasia enterprise was established in 1990 in Ufa (Russia). Until June 2012, it was called OYO-GEO Impulse International. Form of incorporation - LLC.
Currently, the company employs more than 300 people.
The main products are seismic receivers (geophones), telemetry cable sections, connectors and accessories for field seismic surveys. The company performs maintenance work on the repair and maintenance of geophysical equipment. Scope of production - seismic exploration of oil and gas fields, interregional studies, security systems.

The products are certified by Geospace Corporation (USA) and EAGO (Russia).
The main production capacity for the production of geophones and telemetry streamers includes:

  • thermal equipment;
  • metal cutting equipment;
  • rubber, plastic and zinc foundries;
  • assembly and testing equipment.

The constant increase in the production of seismic receivers for field lots is dictated by the need to update obsolete products, as well as to be used when conducting seismic surveys using modern 2D, 3D, 4D techniques using domestic and foreign telemetry systems such as: PROGRESS-L, PROGRESS-1 ”,“ PROGRESS-2 ”,“ PROGRESS-3 ”(Saratov, Russia); 408UL, 428XL, 508XT of the company Sercel (France); ARIES II, G3i HD from INOVA (USA), and others.

Over 100 different organizations in Russia and the CIS countries use our services.

We are chosen because:

  • Quality assurance at a low cost;
  • Lack of customs duties or a simplified system of customs clearance;
  • A wide range of products and repairs;
  • The ability to manufacture products in a short time.

LLC “Geospace Technologies Eurasia” has the ability to sell spare parts and geophones in unlimited quantities in any region.

The administration of Geospace Technologies Eurasia LLC is pleased to accept all proposals from the management of geophysical companies for the joint development and implementation of new promising products.