
LLC "Neftegazgeofizika"

地点: Moscow / Tver
主要产品/服务: Development and production of equipment and technologies for geophysical research and control of oil and gas wells. Geophysical and geotechnological studies of drilled and existing wells

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Neftegazgeofizika LLC is one of the leading scientific and technical centers of Russia in the field of development of equipment and technologies for geophysical research and control of oil and gas wells.

The main directions of scientific and technical activity:

  • theory, methods and technologies of geophysical research of oil and gas wells;
  • services in the field of GIS production and interpretation of GIS materials.

The infrastructure of the enterprise provides:

  • physical and mathematical modeling of devices at the development stage;
  • development of design documentation to ensure serial production;
  • production base for the production of instruments and equipment;
  • necessary metrological and testing equipment;
  • provision of services for new GIS technologies;
  • geological and geophysical interpretation of GIS on complex geological objects.

Neftegazgeofizika LLC focuses on leading Russian experts - the creators of GIS instruments, techniques and technologies that have found widespread use in Russia and the CIS: electrical, electromagnetic, acoustic, radioactive and nuclear magnetic logging, computer processing and interpretation of GIS data.

Over 200 employees of Neftegazgeofizika LLC have higher education, of which 25 are candidates of science, 6 are doctors of sciences.

The geography of equipment supplies includes leading Russian geophysical companies, which include: OJSC “Surgutneftegas” trust “Surgutneftegeofizika”; PJSC Gazprom; LLC Gazprom Georesurs; OJSC Kogalymneftegeofizika; LLC "KogalymNIPIneft"; Integra LLC "Geofizservis"; LLC Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika; Rosgeo NPC "Nedra" JSC; Rosgeo JSC Kaliningradgeofizika; Rosgeo JSC Volgogradneftegeofizika; Rosgeo OAO Nizhnevartovskneftegeofizika; LLC “TNG-Group”; JSC Bashneftegeofizika; JSC "Yamalpromgeofizika"; LLC Uraineftegeofizika; JSC Komineftegeofizika; LLC PITC "Geophysics"; Weatherford LLC; JSC PGO Tyumenpromgeofizika; LLC SevKavneftegazgeofizika; LLC TomskGAZPROMgeofizika; LLC Leninsk-Kuznetsk Geophysical Party; LLC Yuganskneftegazgeofizika.

Foreign partners and customers of the enterprise are: Techno Trading LTD LLP (Kazakhstan); NPP UralNefteGazServis LLP (Kazakhstan); CenterPromGeophysics LLP (Kazakhstan); GK "Turkmenneft" Office "Turkmennebitgeofizika" (Turkmenistan); RUE “Production Association Belorusneft” (Belarus); Vietsovpetro (Vietnam); Hong Kong Oilgas Limited (China); Precision Energy Services Inc. (Canada, USA).

The computerized technologies developed at Neftegazgeofizika LLC are certified and meet world standards. The manufactured apparatus and equipment have the necessary permits of the Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation for use.

A wide range of manufactured instruments and equipment and extensive experience in operating GIS technologies allow the company to most fully satisfy the interests of the Customer - from the supply of individual devices to the turnkey delivery of completed GIS production technologies.

An important area of our activity is the provision of logging services using unique GIS technologies:

  • ultra-deep well logging;
  • nuclear magnetic logging in a strong magnetic field;
  • estimation of current oil saturation using C / O logging;
  • wave acoustic logging.