LLC "Energy Diagnostics"
LLC Energodiagnostika, an enterprise founded in 1992 in Moscow, works in the field of ensuring industrial safety of various industries and quality control of engineering products. Production activities are carried out on the basis of licenses of Rostekhnadzor and certificates of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation.
LLC Energodiagnostika is the lead developer of a fundamentally new method and non-destructive testing devices based on the use of metal magnetic memory (MPM).
Since 1996, the only Russian and international center for training and certification of specialists using the magnetic magnetic memory method of metal has been operating in Moscow (an independent certification body for personnel in the field of non-destructive testing of NOAK NK Energodiagnostika LLC). Branches of this center operate in Warsaw and Beijing.
LLC Energodiagnostika actively cooperates with organizations working in the field of industrial safety and non-destructive testing in Russia, Australia, Angola, Argentina, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Israel, India, Iraq, Iran, Canada, Kazakhstan, China, Colombia , Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Oman, Poland, Serbia, USA, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Finland, Montenegro, Czech Republic, South Africa, Japan.
The main activities of the enterprise:
- development of specialized control methods for various industries using magnetic memory of metal;
- development of guidance documents of Rostekhnadzor, Russian and international standards in the field of non-destructive testing;
- development and production of specialized instruments and control sensors for the method of magnetic magnetic memory of metal, verification, warranty and post-warranty service;
- research work in the field of fracture mechanics, reliability and magnetic methods of non-destructive testing;
- practical and theoretical training and certification of non-destructive testing specialists with the issuance of qualification certificates for magnetic, ultrasonic, eddy current, visual-measuring control methods, stress-strain state control;
- practical work on the diagnosis of equipment, pipelines, metal structures, machine parts (new and old) in various industries and forecasting the residual life using the metal magnetic memory method;
- expert assessment of the technical condition and early diagnosis of equipment damage in the interests of insurance companies for insurance of risks in the field of industrial safety.
The scientific and technical potential of specialists working at the enterprise and involved in solving specific practical and scientific problems has a high professional level: from ordinary engineers to doctors of science, certified at levels II and III for non-destructive testing and industrial safety expertise.
LLC Energodiagnostika is a Partner of the Russian Scientific and Technical Welding Society (RNTSO), an active member of the scientific and industrial union Industrial Safety, Risk Management, Control and Monitoring (NPS RISKOM), one of the founders of the self-regulatory organization Non-Profit Partnership Interregional Cooperation in the field of Industrial Safety "(SRO NP" MEZHREGION PB "), heads the subcommittee of PK 1" VAT Control and Resource "TC 132 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology and work load ny metal by the method of the magnetic memory in expert advice RTN and the International Institute of Welding (IIW).
For more than 24 years, Energodiagnostika LLC has been actively cooperating with the International Institute of Welding (MIS) on welding quality control using the metal magnetic memory method.