Geological Exploration
The GGHI and GK services are based on the Geotest-5 station for geological and technological research.
High-precision gas analysis equipment, a functionally equipped geological cabin and adapted to the tasks performed software allow you to effectively carry out:
- sludge sampling throughout the section,
- fractional analysis of sludge,
- determination of carbonate and rock density,
- luminescent analysis of sludge and drilling fluid,
- continuous extraction of gases from the flow of flushing fluid at the exit of the well,
- determination of volumetric and total gas content of the drilling fluid,
- continuous measurement of the content of saturated hydrocarbons in gas mixtures extracted from the washing liquid,
- periodic thermal vacuum degassing (TVD) of samples of the solution, samples of sludge and core.
High qualification of specialists allows us to successfully work in various geological sections with all types of reservoirs and used drilling fluids. The obtained geological information is processed and interpreted directly in the course of the work, which enables the customer’s geological department to accelerate decision-making to increase the efficiency of the drilling process.
Gas analysis equipment and completeness of the geological cabin |
Geological module |

OJSC Kogalymneftegeofizika
地点: Russia / Kogalym
主要产品/服务: Geophysical and geological and technological research, data interpretation
注册: Russia / Kogalym