They consist of a receiving, mixing chamber, a flotation chamber, a sludge zone and sediment bins and purified water. Equipped with a mechanical scraper conveyor placed on a frame structure with an electric motor gear installed on it. The latter provides the speed of movement of the working tape of the scraper along the “mirror” of water no more than 10 mm / s.
To remove “heavy” fractions, the flotator can be equipped with a screw pump mounted under the receiving chamber.
Principle of operation
Water enters the receiving chamber of the flotator. After intensive turbulent mixing, water enters the flotation chamber, in which due to pressure reduction to atmospheric, dissolved air is released in the form of tiny (50-100 microns) bubbles and, in fact, the process of pollution flotation. At the interface (water-air), colloidal particles of contaminants are captured by air bubbles, combined into larger clusters and carried to the surface in the sedimentation zone.
To increase the efficiency of work and prevent the breakthrough of flakes, the sludge zone is equipped with a thin-layer module. The precipitate formed in it is accumulated in the hopper and periodically pumped out by a slurry pump into a special tank.
NPO "Decanter" mass-produced flotators with a capacity of 5 to 100 cubic meters / hour .