
Seismic Interpretation of ReView

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The ReView ™ subsystem, designed for standard and in-depth interpretation of geological and geophysical data, forms the core of the PANGEY® system and is used for joint interpretation of well data and 2D / 3D seismic in three-dimensional space.

The uniqueness of ReView is that the subsystem uses Multidimensional Interpretation ® technology, which allows to identify and simultaneously use the most informative combination of object data, providing unrivaled accuracy and detail of forecasts, which is proved by numerous comparisons with the results obtained in other interpretation systems.

The ReView software suite meets all international industry standards and provides the highest possible performance and user convenience. The ReView subsystem is implemented in the Linux environment and is characterized by high speed and has no restrictions on the interpreted volumes of 2D and 3D data in single projects.

The main modules of the ReView subsystem:

Review   Lite - module for the standard interpretation of geological and geophysical data;

Transform - module for in-depth data analysis;

Classification - module for the qualitative classification of data;

Prediction   - module for quantitative forecast;

MapMaker - module for mapping;

VolumeViewer is a 3D visualization module.

Working with the ReView software package,   You get the following benefits:

  • “All in one” - an integrated standard and in-depth interpretation of geological and geophysical data;
  • No restrictions on the amount and size of data;
  • Simple and easy to use interface in Russian;
  • The presence of various algorithms for qualitative classification and quantitative forecasting;
  • Unprecedented forecast accuracy confirmed by drilling.

АО "Пангея"

地点: Russia Moscow
主要产品/服务: Data processing and analysis, GIS, geological and seismic interpretation