Chisel Service
Since 2006, the group of companies has performed bit support services at more than 2750 wells located at 306 fields of the Russian Federation. Services were provided for 85 companies of customers.
In 2014, the RINACO group of companies receives the best mechanical driving speeds among all contractors at the facilities of Slavneft-Megionneftegaz and Gazpromneft-Khantos, according to the annual reports of the Customers.
According to the results of 2015, summed up by PJSC Gazprom Neft, the RINACO group of companies was among the five best contractors providing bit support services, ahead of all well-known foreign bit manufacturers.
Services offered:
- service / production of PDC bits: diameters 660 - 114 mm
- service / supply of cone bits: diameters 660 - 114 mm
- PDC bit recovery
- supply of PDC cutters
At the request of the Customer, the RINACO group of companies has the opportunity to manufacture, supply and work out bits of a non-standard size.
The technological department of the RINACO group of companies, together with the design department, is working on improving the design of bits to achieve the best speed characteristics. Also, in the production of bits, a constant analysis of the incoming PDC cutters and their selection, which best suits the drilling conditions, is carried out.
Since 2013, a repair and restoration workshop for arming the hulls and restoring the armament of PDC bits has been operating. In addition to carrying out work for their own needs, the workshop provides bit restoration services for other companies. The workshop is fully equipped with new equipment, machine tools and experienced staff. Engineering and technological personnel will help you choose the right type of incisors and provide a repair card for further analysis of the incisors. The bits are armed with PDC cutters from leading manufacturers.