Geological Exploration and office work
Performing a set of prospecting and exploration work at all stages of exploration
- Work related to the geological study of promising areas
- Exploration and evaluation work
- Exploration work
- Operational intelligence
Types of work as part of the complex
- Field geological routes, geochemical work and mining;
- Terrestrial geophysical surveys;
- Exploratory well drilling;
- Downhole geophysical surveys;
- Geological support for drilling wells;
- Creation of electronic databases and core storage;
- Specialized works for predicting the mining and geological conditions of mining the site (studying gas content, the FMS of the enclosing rocks, hydrogeological, hydrological and hydro-observation work, creological studies, radiation-hygienic assessment);
- Testing and laboratory studies of rock samples.
- Preparation of work projects at any stage of exploration;
- Preparation of thermal power plants, TED, feasibility studies;
- Preparation of geological reports with the calculation of resources and reserves;
- Creating a three-dimensional model of the field;
- Recalculation and write-off of reserves;
- Support of the developed documentation when passing approval in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- Expert and consulting services in the field of exploration.

OOO "Sibgeoproekt"
地点: Russia / Kemerovo
主要产品/服务: Exploration work
注册: Russia / Kemerovo