MONPAC Technology
MONPAC technology was developed by PAC in collaboration with the chemical company Monsanto in the early 80s. The technology includes equipment produced by the RAS, specialized software and the procedure for preparing and conducting control. To date, using this technology, more than 10'000 industrial facilities have been monitored. Subsequent monitoring carried out by alternative NK methods in 100% of cases confirmed the absence of defects at the facilities classified by MONPAC in category (A) - “defect-free”.
MONPAC is approved as the ASME standard for new vessels, adopted in Russian Norms - PB-03-593-03.
It is used in the diagnosis of pressure vessels, spheres, reactors, tanks, columns, pipelines. Monitoring is carried out in accordance with the MONPAC test procedure. Analysis of the registered information is done automatically. The zone principle of location is used.

LLC "Diapak"
地点: Russia Moscow
主要产品/服务: Supply of AE devices, supply and support of monitoring systems. Risk-sensitive PCMS service for enterprise equipment
注册: Russia Moscow