Industrial Safety Expertise
We work to improve the safety of Rostekhnadzor facilities, equipment for the oil and gas industry, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, including:
- trunk, technological and field pipelines;
- mechanical-technological equipment;
- vessels and apparatuses operating under pressure;
- compressor and pumping equipment;
- fittings and safety devices;
- containers for storing fire hazardous and explosive substances;
- centrifuges and separators.
- reservoirs, tanks;
- metal structures of cranes and hoists;
- steam and hot water boilers;
- balloons.
The following non-destructive testing methods are used:
- visual measuring;
- ultrasonic;
- acoustic emission;
- radiographic;
- magnetic;
- eddy current;
- vibrodiagnostic;
- capillary.
As an expert organization, Diapak LLC is accredited in the Industrial Safety Expertise System, accreditation certificate No. EO-02105 and has licenses of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. DE-00-007999 (DK) and No. DE-00-010514 (N) to carry out activities for the examination of industrial safety (examination of technical devices used at a hazardous production facility).
The structure of Diapak LLC includes a non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics laboratory (certification certificate No. 61A010614) and an electric laboratory (registration certificate No. 4062).