Repair of Blowout Equipment and Fountain Fittings
运营国家: Russia
位置或存放国家: Russia
位置: Russia / YaNAO / Noyabrsk
Online Support Service: No
Interpretation of Data: No
Repair (revision) and hydraulic pressure tests up to 105 MPa
- Preventors like PPG, PUG;
- Sub, check valves, flange branches, KShTs, KShZ, KOBSh;
- Valves of mechanical ZMS, hydraulic ZMG (any standard sizes);
- MPB Manifold (jamming, throttling unit);
- Valve block;
- Fountain fittings, column heads;
- Repair of all types of blowout control equipment
LLC "Yamalspetstsentr"
地点: Russia / YaNAO / Noyabrsk
主要产品/服务: Multidisciplinary oilfield service company. Repair, service and manufacture of drilling equipment and tools, including cutting licensed compounds. Repair of power equipment. HSE. Air defense repair. Manufacturing products. Expertise in industrial safety. Flaw detection
注册: Russia / YaNAO / Noyabrsk