Slag Crushed stone
Slag crushed stone is widely used in the construction of roads (coatings, bases, additional base layers and other layers of pavement), in the preparation of concrete, slag mixtures, and can also be used in the construction of residential and industrial buildings and structures (for filling foundations, etc. P.)
The main consumers of crushed stone produced by PJSC "KMZ" are enterprises of the Tula and surrounding areas, operating in various segments of the construction market.
KMZ PJSC produces the following gravel fractions:
- 5 - 20 mm
- 20 - 40 mm
- 40 - 70 mm
as well as slag sand (0-5 mm).
Shipment is made in batches, by rail or by road.
Slag products produced at PJSC KMZ are an environmentally friendly material and can be used in the construction of residential and industrial buildings, structures, roads.

Kosogorsk Metallurgical Plant
员工总数: 1800
地点: Russia / Tula
主要产品/服务: Foundry
注册: Russia / Tula
成立年: 1897