Steel wire low carbon in Accordance with GOST 3282-74
The raw material is a steel wire rod of grades 1sp, 1ps, 1kp, having a diameter of 5.5 to 12 mm. The processing method distinguishes between heat-treated and untreated, which affects the appearance and strength of the wire.
The surface of the wire according to GOST 3282-74 can remain uncoated or a protective coating is applied.
Low-carbon steel wire is coated with zinc. At OJSC MMK-METIZ, wire is manufactured with 1 class of coating.
The wire is made of normal accuracy, at the request of the consumer, possibly increased accuracy.
The diameter range of the wire varies for coated and non-coated wire, so for coated wire it is 1.6-5 mm, and for uncoated wire it is 0.16-10 mm. Depending on the diameter, standard types of packaging are installed, i.e. e. skein weight.
OJSC MMK-METIZ OJSC manufactures and sells various metal products, among which a significant share is low-carbon steel wire. GOST is strictly adhered to during manufacture; therefore, the wire meets all technical and operational requirements. Wire prices are below the average wholesale prices, since the company is a manufacturer and independently determines the cost, avoiding its overstatement.
Purpose: Designed for the manufacture of nails, netting, linking and other purposes.
Material: It is made of steel of the grades: St1kp, St1ps, St1sp, S4S.
It is made:
- heat treated (light annealed or black) and thermally untreated;
- uncoated (diameters from 0.16 mm to 10.0 mm) and with shiny zinc coating (diameters from 1.6 mm to 5.0 mm)