Product / Equipment

Fixed piping Supports

型号编号: НОТ
状态: New
在制作: Russia
位置或存放国家: Russia
位置: Russia / Chelyabinsk
服务工程支持: Yes
保证: No
价钱: 要求价格
Fixed pipelines are laid, both in the aboveground part and in the underground. They are designed for reliable fixation of the pipeline in order to prevent its shifts and movements, in contrast to the movable supports. The supports throughout the pipeline act as redistributors of horizontal and vertical loads, thereby protecting the pipe structure.

Fixed piping supports are of the following types:

  • motionless clamp T3 32-219;
  • motionless frontal two-tier T4 108-1420 and two-tier reinforced T5 133-1420;
  • motionless frontal four-resistant T6 133-1420 and motionless frontal four-resistant reinforced T7 426-1420;
  • fixed shield panel T8 108-1420 and fixed shield panel reinforced T9 108-1420;
  • motionless lateral T10 108-1420;
  • motionless collar unpacked T11 108-1020;
  • motionless clamp T12 57-377;
  • motionless frontal stuffing box expansion joints T46 530-820;
  • motionless towbar T44 377-1420.

Fixed pipelines support are used for unloading the supporting structures of pipelines and their elements from the action of torques. Due to its design feature, fixed supports are able to provide normal absorption of linear extensions of the pipeline. Fixed supports are able to absorb not only vertical loads, which are composed of the dead weight of the pipeline system, the weight of the transported product and insulation, as well as snow (ice) loads, but also large horizontal loads that can occur due to temperature deformations

Pipe Company "UPSK"

地点: Russia / Chelyabinsk
主要产品/服务: Supply of the full range of pipe and metal
注册: Russia / Chelyabinsk