ASUPB "Expertpb"
The system should allow to quickly receive information about the technical condition of equipment, devices, buildings and structures at a dangerous facility; on the characteristics and compliance of personnel and persons admitted to the hazardous facility; about the situation with the storage and transportation of hazardous substances; on the results of inspections of production control and on the status of the implementation of corrective measures and regulations; on internal standards and documents on industrial safety.
The main planned objectives of the system are:
- creation of a single database on industrial safety at the enterprise;
- functioning of an effective system of control over compliance with industrial safety rules:
- operational monitoring of the current state of the hazardous facility and compliance with industrial safety requirements;
- operational "plan-fact" control of the implementation of measures and requirements of production control;
- Monitoring staff compliance with internal regulations and rules of the process;
- reduction of risks of accidents and emergency situations due to non-compliance with industrial safety requirements;
- Compliance with the legislation on the functioning of the industrial safety management system.
ASUPB "ExpertPB" is a multi-user system installed on the server and on working (user) computers, combined into a single computer-computer network of the enterprise.
The main blocks of ASUPB "ExpertPB" include:
- accounting of equipment, buildings and structures, personnel, hazardous substances;
- industrial safety planning;
- monitoring and notification of the timing of activities;
- automation of the network schedule for planning industrial safety processes;
- reporting on industrial safety.
Functional capabilities of the automated information system for industrial safety management at ASUPB ExpertPB:
I Operational receipt of information:
- on the condition of equipment, buildings and structures (on the status of the state: working, repair, examination, diagnostics, problems / defects detected, emergency);
- on staff compliance with established requirements: briefing, physical examination, training, certification;
- on the availability and condition of documents: licenses, certificates, expert opinions;
- the timing of the implementation of mandatory industrial safety measures;
- on areas of responsibility for the implementation of certain activities;
- on internal rules and regulations for the operation of a hazardous facility: internal instructions, routings;
- on industrial safety legislation, industry standards and regulations;
I I Automated creation of action plans:
- on industrial safety examinations of equipment, buildings and structures, documentation;
- on technical examination of equipment, buildings and structures;
- repair of equipment, buildings and structures;
- on conducting medical examinations of staff;
- to conduct staff briefings;
- certification of personnel;
- on obtaining licenses, certificates;
- on internal audits of production control;
- to comply with the requirements of Rostekhnadzor;
- on corrective measures based on the results of internal audits of production control;
III Automated (according to the formulas laid down in the system) calculation of dates for planning event dates:
- industrial safety examinations of equipment, buildings and structures;
- technical surveys of equipment;
- repairs of equipment, buildings and structures;
- conducting medical examinations of staff;
- conducting staff briefings;
- personnel certifications;
IV Automated report generation in the required form:
- operational formation and sending of external reports (on the functioning of the industrial safety management system, etc.) to Rostekhnadzor;
- report on compliance with Rostekhnadzor regulations;
- report on internal audits of production control;
- report on the implementation of industrial safety measures (for the period, by types of measures, by units);
- report on compliance with industrial safety requirements (equipment, buildings and structures, personnel, storage of hazardous substances, documents for a hazardous facility);
- report on the costs of industrial safety measures;
- plan-fact report (on implementation of activities, expenses);
- report on changes (industrial safety rules, external and internal, technological maps, commissioning of new equipment, reception of new personnel, repairs, modernization, replacement of equipment, capital construction);
V Control:
- notification of the timing of upcoming industrial safety measures;
- notification of non-compliance (of the need to verify compliance) of equipment, personnel, documentation with industrial safety requirements;
- control over the correct implementation of measures (process control) of industrial safety:
- including control execution of the technological map
- including control of the inspection of technical devices;
- storage and updating of internal documents according to industrial safety rules, including routings, structure of the distribution of responsibility for fulfilling industrial safety requirements;
- control over the implementation of Rostekhnadzor requirements and internal control;
- control of changes in industrial safety requirements (external, internal);
VI Recording of personal liability:
- the appointment and updating of the distribution of responsibility for the implementation of requirements and measures for industrial safety;
- appointment and fixing of those responsible for the implementation of industrial safety measures;
VII Decision support in the field of industrial safety:
- step-by-step instructions for the implementation of regulated processes in the field of industrial safety;
- automated creation and filling out forms of documents on regulated processes in the field of industrial safety (work permits, acts, protocols, orders, etc.);
- storage and automated search for documents on regulated processes in the database.
ExpertPB Automated Industrial Safety Management System took second place in the nomination “Best IT project in the field of industry and production” at the “IT Project of the Year 2016” competition.