Diagnostics of Technical Devices
With a certified modern non-destructive testing laboratory and extensive experience in industrial safety expertise, Promtexpertiza is ready to perform technical diagnostics of equipment and technical devices at a high professional level, promptly and at an affordable price.
We offer diagnostics for the following types of equipment:
- boiler supervision objects:
- steam and hot water boilers;
- electric boilers;
- vessels operating under pressure above 0.07 MPa;
- pipelines of steam and hot water with a working steam pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and a temperature of over 115 ° C;
- pressure chambers;
- gas supply systems (gas distribution):
- external gas pipelines, steel and from polyethylene and composite materials;
- internal steel pipelines;
- parts and assemblies, gas equipment;
- lifting structures:
- hoisting cranes;
- lifts (towers);
- cable cars;
- funiculars;
- escalators;
- elevators;
- truck mounted cranes;
- lifting platforms for the disabled;
- crane ways;
- mining equipment:
- mine hoisting machines;
- mining transport and mining equipment;
- equipment for the oil and gas industry:
- equipment for drilling wells;
- equipment for well operation;
- equipment for well development and repair;
- equipment for gas and oil pumping stations;
- gas and oil product pipelines;
- reservoirs for oil and oil products;
- equipment for explosion and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous industries:
- equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, operating under pressure up to 16 MPa;
- equipment of chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, operating under pressure above 16 MPa;
- equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, operating under vacuum;
- tanks for the storage of explosive and flammable and toxic substances;
- isothermal storages;
- cryogenic equipment;
- equipment for ammonia refrigeration units;
- BOT furnaces, boilers, energy technology boilers and waste heat boilers;
- compressor and pumping equipment;
- centrifuges, separators;
- tanks, containers (barrels), cylinders for explosive and flammable and toxic substances;
- process pipelines, steam and hot water pipelines.
- grain storage and processing facilities:
- blowing machines (air turbocompressors, turbo blowers);
- fans (centrifugal, radial, VVD);
- hammer crushers, roller mills, entolators;
- electric power equipment.
Promtekhexpertiza specialists have proven qualifications in many types of diagnostics, in accordance with the methods of certified laboratories for destructive and non-destructive testing.
Based on the results of the diagnosis, a technical report is issued with a detailed description of the identified defects, recommendations for their elimination and increasing the level of industrial safety of equipment use.

Promtex Expertise LLC
地点: Russia Moscow
主要产品/服务: A wide range of work in the field of industrial safety
注册: Russia Moscow