Product / Equipment

Diesel generator ADMi-4000 Mitsubishi (power complex)

型号编号: ADMi-1000
状态: New
位置或存放国家: Russia
服务工程支持: Yes
保证: Yes, 18 months
价钱: 要求价格
Diesel power complexes manufactured by PSM of the ADMi-4000 series with a capacity of 4080 kW are designed to produce a three-phase electric current with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of 400 V. ADMi-4000 power complexes consist of four diesel generators of the ADMi-1000 series, operating in parallel with a common load.

The advantages of energy complexes:

  • Reliability: uniform distribution of load between power units and continuity of power supply when one of the generators is stopped
  • Profitability: the cost of the energy complex is 20-30% less than that of a single power plant of high power
  • Flexibility: the ability to expand the energy complex to 16 diesel generators
  • Versatility: separation of the energy complex into independent generators for use at different facilities


Main power 4080 kW / 5100 kVA
Reserve power 4488 kW / 5610 kVA
Voltage 400
Fuel consumption, l / h  
- at 75% load 792

LLC “PSM Plant”

地点: Russia / Yaroslavl
主要产品/服务: Power plants
成立年: 2005