Product / Equipment

Piston air compressor VP2-10 / 9M

型号编号: ВП2-10/9М
状态: New
在制作: Russia
位置或存放国家: Russia
服务工程支持: Yes
保证: No
价钱: 要求价格
The piston crosshead horizontal compressor in a two-stage design VP2-10 / 9M is designed on the opposite base of type M2.5. The resulting compressed air is used in the manufacturing processes of various industrial sectors as an energy source.


Numerical value

Compressible gas

atmospheric air

Volumetric productivity reduced to initial conditions, m 3 / s; (m3 / min)

0.20 ± 0.010 (12.0 ± 0.60)

Final gas pressure, gage, MPa (kgf / cm 2 ), not more than

0.78 (8.0)

Dimensions (length x width x height) of the compressor with an electric motor, mm, no more

1670 x 1260 x 1790

The power consumed by the VP2-10 / 9M compressor, kW, no more 65

Weight, kg, no more:

- in scope of supply



Dimensions (length x width x height) of the VP2-10 / 9Ms compressor with an electric motor, mm, no more 1670 x 1260 x 1790
Cooling water (liquid)

The built-in asynchronous modern electric motor of the DASK-132 type provides the drive of the VP2-10 / 9M installation. The compressor is equipped with a water cooling mechanism, two autonomous systems are responsible for the lubrication - one of them provides oil supply to the base mechanism, the other is responsible for lubricating the cylinder. The use of moisture-oil separators provides the cleaning of compressed air from impurities of oil and moisture.

The VP2-10 / 9M compressor is able to work in any climatic conditions. Upon your request, the compressor can be made in explosion-proof design and used with explosive atmospheres. Guaranteed safe and reliable operation - built-in automated alarm and protection system. You can choose relay or microprocessor automation. Protection by discharge pressure in steps, protection in temperature of injected gas in steps, protection by oil pressure, sensors to the coolant duct, inlet water temperature sensors, and other compressor automatic protection mechanisms according to your wish are installed. The compressor can be executed without lubrication of the cylinders and seals (dry).


主要产品/服务: Gas separation, compressor and refrigeration equipment
注册: Россия / Краснодар