

Online Support Service: No
Interpretation of Data: No


市场: Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC, Zapsibneftekchim LLC, NIPIgazpererabotka LLC
员工总数: 77
地点: Russia. Saint-Petersburg
主要产品/服务: 1. industrial safety expertise 2. technical diagnostics 3. inspection of buildings and structures, building structures 4. assessment of the object's compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and technical regulations 5. calculation and analytical procedures for forecasting further safe operation. 6. analysis of accident risk of hazardous production facilities, development of safety justifications 7. development of technical documentation and passportisation 8. non-destructive testing
注册: 195030 Electropultovtsev str. 7, lit. L, premise 9-N, office 30 Saint-Petersburg Russia
成立年: 2019