Telemechanics system (STM)
TELEMOTION SYSTEM (TSM) Telemetry system (TSM) is designed to collect data, control and manage objects of a single technological facility located at a considerable distance from each other. Typical areas of STM application are wells and cluster sites of oil and gas fields, shut-off valves of field and main pipelines, etc. Usually, STM consists of telemetry stations, communication facilities and an upper level represented by dispatcher workstations and servers. A special feature of STM stations is that the technological objects they control are “unmanned”, everything works without human presence on them. Purpose: Organization of control and management of remote objects. The spatially distributed principle of system construction improves the quality of process control and its operational characteristics. Application: Geographically distributed objects of enterprises in various fields of activity that require operational control, management, collection and storage of data in order to improve the economic efficiency of the process.

Tyumen Device
地点: Russia
主要产品/服务: Automation systems engineering
成立年: 2002