Product / Equipment

Device for Washing out bottom Sediments of the Dolphin Reservoir

型号编号: ДЕЛЬФИН701001
状态: New
位置或存放国家: Russia
服务工程支持: Yes
保证: Yes
价钱: 要求价格
Purpose: the Dolphin bottom sediment washing device is designed to wash away bottom sediments in tanks with flammable liquids (gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, oil products, etc.), as well as to prevent the formation of these deposits. Description: the Dolphin device is installed on the manhole cover and is used in explosion hazardous areas of class B-1g, according to the classification of GL. 7.3 PUE, or class 2 according to the classification of GOST R 51330.9, in which the formation of vapor and gas-air explosive mixtures of category IIA, II B groups T1, T2, T3, T4 according to the classification of GOST R 51330.5, GOST R 51330.11 is possible. In terms of resistance to the impact of climatic factors of the external environment, the devices are manufactured in the U version (moderate climate), placement category 1 according to GOST 15150-69. Features of the "Dolphin": ensures the washing out and mixing of bottom sediments in the tank by a directed submerged turbulent stream of product formed by the propeller of the device; creates an automatic change in the direction of the oil stream in the horizontal plane with a circular rotation of the entire mass of oil when turning by +/- 30 degrees to the left and right, with a step of 3 degrees every 10.5 minutes.
Name of parameters Dolphin-20 Dolphin-24
Maximum propeller diameter, mm (in) 500 (20) 600 (24)
Propeller rotation speed, rpm 690 690
Nominal power (rotation speed) of the electric motor, kW (rpm) 15 (1500) 18.5 (1500)
The angle of rotation of the propeller shaft in the horizontal plane, angular degrees. 60 60
Time of rotation of the propeller shaft within the above angle, hour 3.5 3.5
Vibration class according to GOST 16921 2.8 2.8
Maximum pressure maintained by sealing devices, MPa 0.22 0.22
Viscosity of the mixed liquid, cSt, no more than 42 40
Maximum reactive force reduced to the propeller shaft, N 3000 4200
Three-phase power supply voltage, V, frequency 50 Hz ±1% 3000 4200
Climate performance UHL.1, U1, TS UHL.1, U1, TS
Electric drive weight, kg 350 410

Oil and gas Equipment plant Aurora-Neft

市场: РФ, СНГ
主要产品/服务: Oil and gas equipment
注册: Russia
成立年: 1998