Capacitive equipment These are special tanks made of different materials, designed to store almost any substance. As a rule, high-quality metal is used in its manufacture. This material has unique properties, is able to withstand high pressure and is chemically neutral. Possible equipment options include cylindrical vessels, liquid storage tanks, gas, oil and gas, flare separators, and much more.
The range includes the following types of equipment:
- vertical and horizontal;
- drainage, etc.
Tank equipment
It is a sealed container of different volume and shape, intended for storing liquid and gaseous substances. Tank equipment has found wide application in oil and gas, oil refining and other industries.
The range includes:
- vertical/horizontal metal tanks;
- steel water storage tanks;
- fire and other tanks.
The products are distinguished by decent quality, high strength, tightness and at the same time have excellent operational properties.

Leader M
市场: РФ, СНГ
地点: Moscow, Nauchny Prospekt, 17, BC "9 Acres"
主要产品/服务: Capacitive equipment
注册: Moscow, Nauchny Prospekt, 17, BC "9 Acres"
成立年: 2005