Product / Equipment

Natural gas Condensate tanks

状态: New
位置或存放国家: Russia
服务工程支持: Yes
保证: Yes
价钱: 要求价格
Condensate tanks are designed to collect, store, dispense and transport natural gas condensate from purification units at compressor and gas distribution stations, linear sections of main gas pipelines. The tank is a horizontal vessel with elliptical bottoms, supply and discharge pipes. The tank for draining the coolant is designed to drain and further store the coolant during repairs of gas heaters with an intermediate coolant servicing gas distribution stations. The tank can be used in process units of the chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, oil, gas and other related industries for storing explosion-proof, fire-proof or class 4 working environment in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76.
Name of indicators Meanings
Working environment

natural gas GOST 5542*,

odorant - ethyl mercaptan **

gas condensate

Volume, m3 from 0.01 to 16***
Pressure, MPa working in capacity from 0.07 to 16
calculated in capacity from 0.07 to 16

test under hydraulic

capacity testing

up to 21


about S

calculated wall from 40 to 100
minimum permissible negative wall pressure of tank elements

minus 40 for climate version U1;

minus 60 for climate version UHL1

average of the coldest five-day period in the area where the device is installed

minus 40 for climate version U1;

minus 60 for climate version UHL1

minimum working environment minus 20
maximum working environment 100
Allowance for corrosion compensation, mm 3
Service life, years, not less than 30
Permissible seismicity, points 9

Area of the territory by speed

wind pressure

Tightness and durability

Hydraulic testing

according to GOST 34347

Control device group

welded joints



* Hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007

**See safety instructions for working with odorant (ethyl mercaptan )

*** Other sizes can be developed on special order.

OOO "Gazenergokomplekt"

市场: РФ
主要产品/服务: Oilfield equipment
注册: 241525, Bryansk region, Bryansk district, with Glinishchevo, Zavodskaya st., building 1